The top 20 fitness trends for 2024 #64

The Top 20 Fitness Trends 2024 #64 Fitness Trends 2024 - Welcome to our latest blog post! Today we take an exciting look into the future of the health and fitness industry based on the latest findings from the "2024 ACSM Worldwide Fitness Trends" report. This article not only provides valuable insights into the upcoming trends in the US and globally, [...]

The role of stretching in personal training #41

The role of stretching in personal training #41 Stretching is an essential part of fitness, but is often considered secondary or even optional. In the context of personal training, stretching takes on an even more important role. Why? Because personal training is a customised fitness solution, and stretching, when used correctly, can enhance individual goals [...].

Strength training and pain: how to prevent injuries and achieve your goals #39

Strength training and pain: How to prevent injuries and achieve your goals #39 Strength training is a popular method for increasing muscle development, strength and general fitness. However, it's not uncommon to experience pain during or after training. In this blog post you will learn how strength training and pain are related and how you can avoid or minimise pain [...].

The relationship between sleep and physical performance #31

The link between sleep and physical performance #31 Sleep is one of the basic human needs. Yet many people neglect this important aspect of their lives, often because of work, family or leisure activities. Apart from affecting our general well-being, a lack of sleep can have a significant impact on our physical performance. In this blog post, we want to look at the [...]

Strength Training in Pregnancy: Safe and Effective #19

Strength Training in Pregnancy: Safe and Effective #19 Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman's life when her body changes in wonderful ways to create new life. During this time it is important to take care of yourself and your growing baby bump. One way to do this is through physical activity [...]

Athletic training for cross-country skiers: your key to top performance

Athletic training for cross-country skiers: your key to top performance Athletic training - you are passionate about cross-country skiing, this fantastic winter sport that combines endurance, strength and technique. But to really excel in this sport, it's not enough just to be out on the trails. Athletic training is the key to improving your performance, preventing injuries and improving your [...]

Fitness Centre or Personal Training? #06

Fitness centre or top personal training #06 No pain no gain? Every beginning is hard. When I started strength training about 7 years ago, I was naturally very impatient. My passion for weight training started with a trial training. I made an appointment at a large fitness chain for a trial training session. Looking back, my trainer made it [...]

7 great tips for your booty training #03

A firm buttocks is not only a visual eye-catcher. Booty training has many advantages: You can improve your posture, prevent knee and back problems and increase your basal metabolic rate. Due to too much sitting and little movement in everyday life, the gluteal muscles of most people are rather weak. So that they don't atrophy completely, a targeted butt workout is important. [...]