Ultimate Blog

Knowledge is power, as the saying goes. True to our 3 basic pillars of training, nutrition and recovery, we would like to impart knowledge to you with our "Ultimate Blog". The internet is full of clickbaiting articles that simply don't correspond to the truth and you quickly lose track of what is true and what is not.

In fact, opinions in the fitness world change more often than you think, but the basic pillar always remains the same. In this blog we would like to address various current topics, but also dispel old fitness myths.

Various personal trainers from Germany and abroad will blog here in the future and bring you up to date. If you are interested in a specific topic, you are also welcome to write to us. Have fun reading.

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So beeinflusst die Nähe zum Muskelversagen Kraftzuwachs und Muskelwachstum #83

So beeinflusst die Nähe zum Muskelversagen Kraftzuwachs und Muskelwachstum #83 studie:  Die Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung zwischen Nähe ...
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Current studies on intermittent fasting and muscle building #82

Aktuelle Studien zum Intervallfasten und Muskelaufbau #82 Hast du schon einmal darüber nachgedacht, Intervallfasten mit ...
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Whole body training vs. 3-piece split: Why whole-body training three times a week is more effective #81

Ganzkörpertraining vs. 3er Split: Warum dreimal wöchentliches Ganzkörpertraining effektiver ist #81 Ein Neukunde von mir ...
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How fitness becomes health care! #80

How fitness becomes healthcare! #80 2024 is characterised by a comprehensive change in the ...
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The health benefits of coffee: A science-based analysis #79

The Health Benefits of Coffee: A Science-Based Analysis #79 Coffee is not only a health ...
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Training in the heat - advantages and disadvantages for your strength training in the gym #78

Training in the heat - advantages and disadvantages for your strength training in the gym #78 Welcome ...
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Cancellation conditions

  • Cancellation deadline
    • Regular cancellation: You must cancel personal training lessons at least 24 hours before the agreed appointment.
    • In case of illness: In case of illness you can cancel until 20:00 on the evening before the appointment at the latest.
  • Notification of cancellation
    • The cancellation must be sent to the responsible trainer by WhatsApp, SMS or phone call. Please make sure that the coach receives the message in good time.
  • Consequences of a late cancellation
    • If the above-mentioned deadlines are not met, the full fee for the booked training session will be charged.