Dry January: Alkohol, Training und die Auswirkungen auf unseren Körper #84
Dry January: Alkohol, Training und die Auswirkungen auf unseren Körper #84 Dry January ist vorbei und für viele steigt nun wieder die Lust auf ein Glas Wein, Bier oder das Lieblingsgetränk an. Gerade nach der festlichen (und oft exzessiven) Weihnachtszeit mit reichlich Essen, Alkohol und manchmal auch anstrengenden Familienrunden versuchen viele von uns, im Januar […]
So beeinflusst die Nähe zum Muskelversagen Kraftzuwachs und Muskelwachstum #83
So beeinflusst die Nähe zum Muskelversagen Kraftzuwachs und Muskelwachstum #83 studie: Die Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehung zwischen Nähe zum Muskelversagen, Kraftzuwachs und Muskelhypertrophie – Erkenntnisse für ein optimales Training Einleitung: Warum ist der Abstand zum Muskelversagen wichtig? Im Krafttraining spricht man oft davon, „bis ans Limit zu gehen“. Doch wie nah muss man wirklich ans Muskelversagen heran, um […]
Current studies on intermittent fasting and muscle building #82
Recent studies on intermittent fasting and muscle building #82 Have you ever thought about combining intermittent fasting with your strength training? In recent years, interval fasting, also known as intermittent fasting, has attracted a lot of attention in the fitness world. The question is: can this diet help you build muscle or is it more likely to hinder your progress in the gym? In this [...]
Whole body training vs. 3-piece split: Why whole-body training three times a week is more effective #81
Full body training vs. 3-piece split: Why full-body training three times a week is more effective #81 A new client of mine inspired me to write this blog post. He has been training for years and was looking for new impulses for his training. When I told him that a full-body workout three times a week was more effective than a 3-split workout, he was [...]
How fitness becomes health care! #80
How fitness is becoming preventative healthcare! #80 2024 is characterised by a comprehensive change in the fitness world. Fitness is increasingly seen as an integral part of holistic wellbeing - far beyond muscle building and fat loss. It is about recognising physical activity as a key to improving mental and emotional health. Three important trends characterise this [...]
Personal training as a New Year's resolution: your path to top form #61
Personal training as a New Year's resolution: Your path to top form #61 New Year's resolution - New year, new you - this phrase is more than just a cliché. It's a promise to yourself to start the year with fresh energy and new goals. And what could be a better goal than getting into the best shape of your life?
From filters to facts: Why a personal trainer is better than Instagram #48
From filters to facts: Why a personal trainer is better than Instagram #48 In this day and age, when social media and especially platforms like Instagram are shaping our understanding of fitness and health, I often face a particular challenge as a personal trainer. Time and time again, my clients come to me with questions that are [...]
Strength training and pain: how to prevent injuries and achieve your goals #39
Strength training and pain: How to prevent injuries and achieve your goals #39 Strength training is a popular method for increasing muscle development, strength and general fitness. However, it's not uncommon to experience pain during or after training. In this blog post you will learn how strength training and pain are related and how you can avoid or minimise pain [...].
Dairy products and fitness: a complicated relationship #38
Dairy products and fitness: a complicated relationship #38 Dairy products have been part of the staple diet in many cultures for thousands of years. They provide a valuable source of protein, vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients. In the modern fitness and nutrition world, however, they have become the subject of intense debate. Is milk a booster for muscle building or a hindrance to optimal [...]
Muscle, Sweat and Testosterone: Why Men Choose Male Personal Trainers #27
Muscle, sweat and testosterone: Why men choose male personal trainers #27 Gyms are places where individual fitness goals are pursued, from weight loss to improving physical performance to building muscle mass. The choice of personal trainer plays an important role in this process. It is noticeable that men often prefer male personal trainers. [...]